Sailing in the era of climate change: impact and response

Sailing in the era of climate change: impact and response

Climate change has left its mark on the oceans, ranging from sea level rise to extreme weather events. Sailing in the era of climate change means dealing with varying and, at times, unpredictable conditions. Intensified storms, shifting wind patterns and unpredictable...
Sailing during the winter

Sailing during the winter

Winter adds a unique touch to the sailing experience, transforming the seas into majestic landscapes of serenity and challenge. Although many choose to store their boats during the cold season, there are intrepid sailors who venture into the winter waters, discovering...
Discover the Wonders of Sailing along the Ebro Coast

Discover the Wonders of Sailing along the Ebro Coast

The Costa del Ebro, in Catalonia, Spain, offers stunning scenery for boating enthusiasts. From charming Sant Carles de la Rapita to tranquil Riumar, each town along this coast has its own unique charm, perfect for exploring by boat. Sant Carles de la Ràpita stands as...
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